Image carousel user interface component.
The Context the Button is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.
The attributes of the XML Button tag being used to inflate the view.
Auto width fixing.
Get or set current item position.
Get or set current item position.
Add multiple data to the carousel. It is the same as setData, but it will not remove previously added data. It just appends the items to the list.
Add single data to the carousel. It will not remove previously added data. It just appends the item to the list.
Get carousel CarouselItems.
Initialize the start position for infinite carousel.
Register ImageCarousel to a lifecycle, so that the auto-play/scroll will pause when the app is in the background. It is also used to correctly initialize the infinite carousel when the app is in the background. It is recommended if you enabled auto-play & infinite carousel.
It receives lifecycle owner as a parameter, especially for fragments.
Set new data to the carousel. It removes all previous data.
Set custom indicator.